Propositions and Resolutions
FANs are voting on resolutions and the upcoming City of Austin propositions:
- City of Austin Proposition A (police budget)
- City of Austin Proposition B (parkland swap)
- IH-35 TxDOT expansion and community alternatives
- Redistricting priorities
- Dense, mixed-use redevelopment for Muny and UT properties
The language for the resolutions is on the FAN Votes page. The deadline to vote is Thursday, October 7th at 6 pm.
If you are already a FAN member, you should have received a ballot. If you are not a FAN member, you may join (free), and you'll receive a ballot shortly thereafter. |
Next FAN Board Meeting
Google Meet Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 6:30 pm
At FAN board meetings, the discussion includes such topics as membership updates, brand and communications updates, and neighborhood improvement initiatives.
FAN board meetings are are open to all members of FAN and the public. View minutes of past meetings here.